Cremation Urn Vaults

Click on a cremation urn vault below for more information

The Whitman Way

Burial Vault Services

We provide excellent graveside service. Our drivers are very professional and always in full uniform. Our above ground sealing device, The Whitman Way.


What do Lined Urn Vaults do?

Lined urn vaults are designed to hold the weight of the earth, and more importantly, to protect your loved one after burial. The daily use of heavy cemetery equipment and the gravity of the earth exerts a force that far exceeds what an unprotected urn can handle.

Backhoe weight on ground

Why is protection important?

Operating a modern cemetery can require heavy equipment like a backhoe for opening and closing graves, as well as tractors for maintaining the grounds. A strong durable vault provides greater protection from the weight of that equipment. All Whitman vaults are designed to help protect the urn from the elements.

Resisting Loads…

There are several factors or types of loads that weigh upon a burial vault. Understanding the types of loads and how they each impact the burial vault is essential to understanding the importance of a quality-lined burial vault.

Static Load Urn Example

Static Load

A static or stationary load is simply the weight of the earth that rests directly over a burial vault. This load has decreased since the 1920s. In most cemeteries today, the average grave has 18 inches of earth covering which results in a static load of approximately 4,000 pounds.

Impact Load Urn

Impact Load

An impact or shock load is produced by a mechanical tamper or the dropping of a backhoe bucket and delivers a very concentrated force through the soil. This has a very extreme effect on a small area of the burial vault cover at shallow grave depths.

Dynamic Load Urn

Dynamic Load

A dynamic load is a load that varies in intensity. This load is transferred to a burial vault as heavy cemetery equipment passes over the grave. The equipment used in cemeteries is much larger and heavier today. Some cemeteries use a backhoe that weighs in excess of 25,000 pounds.

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Whitman Burial Vault Company
If you are a funeral director and would like to contact us, please complete the form below.