It is with great excitement that we introduce you to our revised website. Whitman Burial Vault is a company that compliments so perfectly the same great sales and service you have come to expect from us at Commonwealth Casket Company.
The Whitman Way
Burial Vault Services
We provide excellent graveside service. Our drivers are very professional and always in full uniform. Our above ground sealing device, The Whitman Way.
LEARN MOREVirtual Catalogs
Whitman Burial Vault: Burial Vault Catalog and Urn Vault Catalog
Below are samples of our Burial Vault Catalog and Urn Vault Catalog.
Virtual Catalogs
Brand Your Own: Burial Vault Catalog and Urn Vault Catalog
Below are samples of our Brand Your Own Burial Vault Catalog and Urn Vault Catalog. We can brand your catalog with your company logo, photography, about us, and burial vault or urn vault selections.
Virtual Casket Catalogs
Below are samples of our Premium Casket Catalog and Cremation Casket Catalog.
Virtual Brand Your Own Casket Catalogs
Below are samples of our Premium Casket Catalog and Cremation Casket Catalog. We can brand your catalog with your company logo, photography, about us, and casket selections.
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